Selection programme
Meaty type Belgian Blue
Approved on 1 November 2018
1.Name and contact details of the selection body ("OS"):
Elevéo asbl – rue des Champs Elysées 4 – 5590 Ciney (Belgium)
2.Name of the herd book
Meaty type Belgian Blue
3.Breed name
Belgian Blue
4.General objective of the Selection Programme ("PdS")
5."PdS" selection programme selection and breeding objectives and evaluation criteria
The main objective of the breed selection is meat production.
The Belgian Blue is a big, strong and precocious breed with exceptionally well developed muscling, a proportionate shape and a calm temperament. Of the meat breeds of the same size, it is the one that has the best feed efficiency for the largest proportion of premium cuts. It is also very well-suited to industrial cross-breeding aimed at improving the growth and quality of the carcasses.
The breed is the subject of a fairly detailed performance monitoring programme, which, coupled with the herd inventories, is being used to follow and monitor its development.
The precociousness of the breed and its fertility are monitored using the ages at first calving known for all the animals in the selection programme, the insemination data and the calving intervals.
The qualities of the breed at birth are closely monitored thanks to a bespoke testing programme. The birth weight, conformation and length of gestation, vitality, ability to drink or suckle, as well as any zootechnical defects or stillbirths are therefore the subject of a genetic evaluation. Some basic data collected by the breeders and agents of Elevéo asbl can also be calculated using the raw indicators, e.g. the length of gestation, death rate at birth, etc.
The growth of calves in the lactation phase is monitored in a network of farms breeding meaty type Belgian Blues. As a result, the capacity of the calves to drink as well as their vitality and health can be assessed, along with the maternal qualities of the breed. These data are not yet the subject of a genetic evaluation.
When the conformity with the breed standard for females is being assessed, if this is done between 10 and 22 months, the weight of the females is assessed (thoracic perimeter or weighing on platform scales), as well as their muscle conformation. Data on the weighing of young bulls between 10 and 22 months old are also collected in a number of farms. All of this information is used to monitor the rapid growth of young animals, to ensure early calving for females, or the early attainment of the slaughter weight sought by the breeder for the young bulls. The desired weight and the conformation between 10 and 22 months are the subject of a genetic evaluation.
Whether it is during the linear scoring or during the assessment of conformity with the breed standard, the height of the animals is measured and this is used to gauge their size. Minimum size standards are imposed on males in order to be in the class A of the herd book (see 10.1). The other measurements made during the linear scoring are also used to monitor the morphology of the breed in detail. Linear scoring is also the subject of a genetic evaluation.
The recovery of slaughter data in large Belgian slaughterhouses is also used to monitor the weight and format (kg carcass) as well as the conformation (SEUROP classification) of the animals. The superior quality of Belgian Blue carcasses is monitored in this way. The carcass weight of the animals is the subject of a genetic evaluation.
6.Geographical area where the animals, to which the selection programme applies, are kept
Belgium: Sanitel Tag
8.System used for breed registration
The process of registering cattle pedigrees at Elevéo asbl is the same for all the cattle breeds and cross-breeds.
This is described in appendix IV - Registration regulations for bovine pedigrees at Elevéo asbl.
9.Detailed traits of the breed
The meaty type Belgian Blue is the main branch of the Belgian Blue breed, and Elevéo asbl is developing a specific herd book for the latter. The other branch is the dual purpose type Belgian Blue, for which Elevéo asbl is also developing a specific herd book, given the very different selection guidelines between the two branches. Although very infrequent, cross-breeding between the animals registered in the main section of the two herd books is possible and can lead to the attribution of a main section class in each herd book. These two herd books contain animals of the same breed.
The details of the meaty type Belgian Blue standard are as follows:
• Head:
- Fine-featured, well-proportioned, fairly broad flat forehead, broad muzzle; wider, shorter and more massive head in the male.
- Short horizontal horns, at the side in the bull, curved forwards from the forehead in the cow.
Defects: very coarse, long and tapering head.
• Neck:
- Thick and horizontal in the cow;
- Well-rounded and convex in the bull.
• Shoulder:
- Muscular, in proportion with the surrounding areas;
- Muscles of the shoulder, arm, forearm and scapulo-humeral angle are particularly well-developed in bulls.
Defects: protruding and detached shoulders; insufficient musculature
• Withers:
- Broad and muscular withers that are in line with the neck and with the back, at least in the cow.
Defects: narrow withers, lacking in muscles, not properly attached at the back.
• Top - back and lumber region (kidneys):
- Horizontal, broad and muscular, medial groove often present in the middle of the back which can extend backwards (double kidney).
Defects: saddle back; lack of musculature; poor attachment of the kidney; protruding backbone
• Chest:
- Rounded rib, thick muscle cover to the rear of the shoulder, especially in males.
- Wide and muscular chest, above all in the bull. Thin and pliable skin, fetlock not very developed.
Defects: * long flat rib * narrow chest * thick skin
• Flank:
- Short and full, the groin fold extends forwards with the very thick "extra fold of the skin" (cord).
Defects: long, hollow, sagging abdominal wall.
• Rump:
Broad with non-protruding, long, inclined hips, whose "double" musculature is well-developed, especially in the male, the median hollow being occupied by the sacrum which continues to the tail whose attachment is clearly defined and well-detached.
Defects: rump that is too short, too narrow, lacking musculature and not inclined enough/embedded tail set
• Buttocks and thighs:
Rounded and convex with visible intermuscular fissures; in profile, starting from the ischial points, the buttocks extend the rump towards the rear in an arc of a circle and overhang the hock and its tendon.
In the male, as seen directly from behind, the contour from the top of the rump and the bottom of the buttocks tends to form a circular shape.
Defects: insufficient musculature, buttocks too short.
• Tail:
Development in keeping with the bone structure: medium length, falls perpendicularly.
Defects: embedded tail set, tail too short.
• Bone structure and Legs:
Strong and rather thin frame, dry and flexible joints, healthy and strong hooves.
Defects: coarse bone structure/stiff, fat or swollen joints
• Forelegs:
- In profile, the forearm, knee and cannon form a straight column.
Defects: forelegs too far forward: camped out/forelegs too far to the rear: camped under / knee too far forward: bow-legged
- From the front, the forearm and cannon form an open angle outwards, with the knee at the apex.
Defects: toed-out (knock-kneed) / toed-in (bow-legged)
• Hind legs
- In profile, a dropped perpendicular from the ischial point lands on the point of the hock.
Defects: * camped out from behind, stands under from behind ; Angle of the hock too open (straight hocks); too closed (bent hocks)
- When viewed from the rear, the hind legs are parallel with the centre of the body.
Defects: closed or hooked hocks and toed-out animal in the lower legs/open hocks and toed-in animal in the lower legs
• Pastern:
- In line with the hooves, from the coronet to the fetlock; the pastern is naturally straighter at the rear.
Defects: Pastern not inclined enough (straight jointed) / pastern too inclined (low or long jointed)
• Udders:
Square and symmetrical udder, moderately developed, well placed teats.
Defects: drooping udder/bottle-shaped udder (goat udder)/teats too close together
• Testicles:
Normal volume.
Defects: too small, swollen, absent (cryptorchidism)
• Overview
The different regions must be in proportion so as to give the animal its distinction, its finesse.
Coat: white, pied blue, pied black
Average height at the withers: 1.34 m for the cow / 1.48 m for the bull
10.1.Performance verification
Performance verification 1, conformity with the breed standard
The conformity with the breed standard is verified by an agent of Elevéo asbl.
It gives access to certain specific classes of the herd book (see 11.1 and 11.2). The criteria checked during this expert assessment, carried out from 10 months of age for males and females, are as follows:
1) Be of white, blue-pied, pied-blue, black, pied-black or black-pied coat. The diluted blue colour (melanophilin gene) is tolerated;
2) Does not have mouth defects (prognathism, deviation, brachygnathism, macroglossia);
3) Males must have 2 testicles;
4) Males must meet minimum size standards according to their age:
5) Both males and females cannot have major leg structure defects;
6) Both males and females cannot be lacking a tail or have a deviated tail.
7) The linear scoring must be carried out on all males during the assessment of conformity with the breed standard or at a date close to this one.
8) The animals must have good muscular conformity, indicating their homozygous double-muscling genotype.
The expert assessment is done by the agent of Elevéo asbl, with an official panel of judges appointed by the B-BB Herd-Book of Elevéo asbl (mandatory for the males). The result of the examination of the criteria on the animal is encoded using electronic data entry equipment and recorded in the database with the date of the expert assessment and the agent who conducted it. The possible reason for a refusal is also stored in the database.
The breeder can consult the success of the on-site expert assessment, and the failed criteria, if applicable, on their personalised my@awenet portal if they have access to it, as well as on the back of the zootechnical certificate. The data concerning the conformity with the breed standard are processed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the services of Elevéo asbl, and the Personal Data Protection Policy of Elevéo asbl (Appendix V).
Performance verification 2, zootechnical and functional performance at birth
The breeder can either pass on the data associated with the birth during their declaration of birth, if this is the case, to Elevéo asbl by certain electronic channels, or via paper listings sent by Elevéo asbl every 2 months if this is not the case. For the progeny of artificial insemination bulls whose production centre has requested it from Elevéo asbl (testing agreement), Elevéo asbl organises a field visit by a technical agent whose purpose is to validate and complete the data collected at the base by the breeder for at least 300 calves per bull. This visit is conducted within the first 120 days of the calf's life. These data are stored in the Elevéo asbl database and include the name of the person who provided them.
The birth weight entered by the breeder is expressed in kilograms, and can be either estimated visually, or using a tape measure to measure the thoracic perimeter provided by Elevéo asbl, or measured by the breeder using a weighing system or platform scales.
Muscle conformation at birth, or during the visit of the Elevéo asbl agent, is visually estimated on a 9-point scale used for all the dairy, meat or dual-purpose cattle breeds monitored by Elevéo asbl. The meaty type Belgian Blue generally has a score ranging from 5 for the double-muscled animals with a weaker conformation, to 9 for the more meaty animals of the breed. This criterion is used to assess the saleable meat yield of calves from birth.
The ability to suckle or drink, as well as the vitality, is rated for each calf on a scale of 1 to 3.
During the visit, the agent of Elevéo asbl will also provide information about any functional defects of the calf concerning the quality of the forelimbs, hocks and mouth of the calf. In the event of the calf's death, the agent collects the cause of death if it is known by the breeder. The breeder can also enter this cause of death directly in certain electronic channels.
All of these data are used in the genetic evaluations, as well as the gestation length calculated according to the difference between the date of birth and the date of fertilisation, if it is known.
These data are available to the breeder on their personalised my@awenet space, or on request from the secretariat in paper format. They are not repeated on the Zootechnical Certificate.
The data collected within this context are processed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the services of Elevéo asbl, and the Personal Data Protection Policy of Elevéo asbl (Appendix V).
Performance verification 3, zootechnical and functional performance between 10 and 22 months
The performance verification between 10 and 22 months is carried out for the females during the annual herd visit with the aim of verifying that the animals conform to the breed standard in order to gain access to certain classes of the herd book. During this visit, measurements and assessments are carried out by an agent of Elevéo asbl on all the meaty type Belgian Blue females present in the herd and whose pedigree has been recorded in accordance with the registration regulations for bovine pedigrees at Elevéo asbl (Appendix IV), aged 10 to 22 months.
The weights of these females are either estimated by measuring the thoracic perimeter or weighed using platform scales. Their size is measured at the withers, and their muscle conformation is assessed on a scale of 1 to 9, which is equivalent to that used for the performance verifications at birth.
During the visit, the agent of Elevéo asbl will also provide information regarding any functional defects of the female concerning the quality of the forelimbs, hocks and mouth.
The males are weighed in a network of meaty type Belgian Blue breeding farms. These weighing operations can be carried out between 10 and 22 months, depending on the objectives of the breeder. In this case they contribute to this performance verification.
All of these data are used in the genetic evaluations.
These data are available to the breeder on their personalised my@awenet space, or on request from the secretariat in paper format. They are not repeated on the Zootechnical Certificate.
The data collected within this context are processed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the services of Elevéo asbl, and the Personal Data Protection Policy of Elevéo asbl (Appendix V).
Performance verification 4, linear scoring
A special linear scoring grid for the meaty type Belgian Blue is applied. It follows ICAR recommendations in defining traits, although it uses a 50-point scale instead of a 9-point scale as proposed by ICAR.
For females, the linear scoring does not lead to any restriction in access to certain classes of the meaty type Belgian Blue herd book. It is conducted on-site at the breeders concerned on all the females between 15 and 56 months, during visits carried out specifically every 15 months. For the males, the linear scoring is mandatory on all bulls during the assessment of conformity with the breed standard or at a date close to this one.
The criteria taken into account in the BBB linear scoring are presented in appendix III – Belgian Blue linear scoring. They are used to characterise the size, the type of meat, the musculature, the legs and the general appearance of the animal. These summary notes are gathered together in an overall score.
In addition to the specific documents containing the details of the scores of the herd, which are received automatically through their personalised my@awenet space, breeders can consult the summary notes of the score of the animal, as well as that of its parentage, on the back of their Zootechnical Certificate. If the animal or its parentage have more than one score, the score with the best overall score is displayed on the Zootechnical Certificate.
The data collected within this context are processed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the services of Elevéo asbl, and the Personal Data Protection Policy of Elevéo asbl (Appendix V).
Performance verification 5, carcass classification
Carcass classification data are obtained via the Walloon Carcass Classification Control Unit (CW3C) in Wallonia. They are collected by this body in compliance with the Belgian legislation that requires large Belgian slaughterhouses (more than 75 cattle slaughtered on average per week) to send certain data on the classification of carcasses of animals fattened in Wallonia, to the CW3C. The monitoring and quality control of these data is part of the official duties and is conducted by the CW3C.
The data collected within this context are generally processed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the services of Elevéo asbl, and the Personal Data Protection Policy of Elevéo asbl (Appendix V). However, these are also subject to usage restrictions defined in the specific data exchange agreement established with the CW3C. This agreement stipulates that this data cannot be transmitted to a third party or used for any purpose other than performing the genetic evaluations or fattening management tools intended for the breeder. This agreement stipulates that only the livestock feeder can access the carcass classification of the slaughtered animal via Elevéo asbl. Elevéo asbl cannot pass it on to the cow-calf operator if necessary.
The data on the weight of the carcass of slaughtered animals are currently evaluated through a joint genetic evaluation with the dual-purpose type Belgian Blue, separately for males and females.
Elevéo asbl sends a document containing these data, as well as comparisons with breed standards, on request to the breeders of the meaty type Belgian Blue. They are not displayed on the Zootechnical Certificate. The livestock feeder can also obtain these directly from the slaughterhouse or from the CW3C.
10.2.Genetic evaluations
Genetic evaluation 1: birth weight and conformation, gestation length
Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIa - Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems - Zootechnic Calving Traits.
Genetic evaluation 2: functional traits at birth
Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIb – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Functional Calving Traits.
Genetic evaluation 3: height, weight and conformation at 14 months
Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIc – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Zootechnical Second Visit.
Genetic evaluation 4: functional performance at 14 months
Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VId – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Functional Second Visit.
Genetic/genomic evaluation 5: linear scoring
Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIe – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Linear Score.
Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIh – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Linear Score.
Genetic evaluation 6: carcass weight
Males: Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIf – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Male Carcass Weight.
Females: Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIg – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Female Carcass Weight.
Genetic/genomic evaluation 7: female fertility
Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIj – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Female fertility.
Information on this genetic evaluation is detailed in Appendix VIk – Belgian Blue Description of National Genetic Evaluation Systems – Female fertility.
The polygenic genetic evaluations, that don't include the SNP data of the animals, are published at the rate and according to the publication rules defined in the appendices mentioned above for each group of criteria. The polygenic genetic results of all the bulls that meet these criteria, whether AI or naturally bred, are published.
For the traits, for which they are available (currently certain linear scoring criteria described in Appendix VIh), any member breeder of Elevéo can obtain a genomic interpretation for all the females on their site. For males, only the genomic values of the bulls used for artificial insemination are published, provided that the artificial insemination centres, which co-finance with Elevéo the research and development of the genomic evaluations, have given their authorisation for prior publication.
The genetic evaluations of females are communicated to breeders either on the back of their Zootechnical Certificate, or via their personalised my@awenet space, or on request on a specific document sent by post or email.
10.3.Procedure for analysing the genome of an animal.
Apart from genome analyses to check parentage, as defined in point 8, samples can be taken for analysing the genetic traits, such as for example the mh gene, the hornless gene, DMC1, DMC2, SQT1, SQT2, dwarfism, arthrogryposis, hamartoma, prolonged gestation or SNAPC4.
The sample (blood, hair or ear biopsy) for analysing the genome of an animal can be taken by an agent of Elevéo asbl, by a veterinarian under contract with Elevéo asbl in the case of a blood test or hair test, or by the breeder in the case of an ear biopsy taken when the official ear tags are fitted at birth (secure system provided on the loop by ARSIA or the DGZ).
The hair samples are stored in the hair library of Elevéo asbl in Ciney at room temperature, while the blood samples or biopsies not intended for direct analysis are stored in a freezer at Elevéo asbl at -18°C.
Blood samples or ear biopsies are preferable for working out the genetic traits (greater quantity and quality of extracted DNA).
The analysis of the genetic traits can be done by SNP analysis, which is then used for other parentage-type valuations or genomic analyses, or by analyses to target mutations. The result of these genetic traits can be passed on to the breeder on a genetic certificate, and is indicated on the back of the Zootechnical Certificate.
The concepts of ownership of samples, raw results from the genome analysis or analysed genetic traits comply with the general conditions of the services of Elevéo asbl, and the Personal Data Protection Policy of Elevéo asbl (Appendix V).
11.Structure of the herd book
11.1.1. Classes of the main section
The main section is subdivided into classes according to the rules defined in Appendix I - meaty type Belgian Blue herd book.
Animals whose parentage is not officially registered in accordance with the regulations for registering bovine pedigrees of Elevéo asbl (see Appendix IV) cannot be entered in the main section of the meaty type Belgian Blue herd book.
A- Classes E, E0, E2, A, D, D1, D2
Classes A, D1 and D2 are restricted to the animals bred by a pairing presented in Appendix I and whose:
• conformation with the breed standard has been confirmed;
• and whose sire and/or maternal grandsire are not in the book p, p0, P, DP
In addition to the parentage verifications stipulated in the registration regulations for bovine pedigrees at Elevéo asbl (see Appendix IV), which are used to qualify the official pedigree, for attributing class A to a meaty type Belgian Blue male, the verification of the paternal and maternal parentage is required, as well as the paternal parentage of the dam.
Class D is attributed at the request of the breeder to the animals:
• that were registered in class E or E2 and were presented for an expert breed assessment but were found not to conform to the breed standard
• and whose sire and/or maternal grandsire are not in the book p, p0, P, DP
Classes E, E0 and E2 are attributed at the request of the breeder for animals bred from a pairing presented in Appendix I and:
• which have not yet been submitted to the expert assessment
• and whose sire and/or maternal grandsire are not in the book p, p0, P, DP (with the exception of females E from dam B1 or E2 from dam C1, from the appended section, for which the sire or maternal grandsire may be of class P)
B- Classes p, p0, dp2, P, DP, DP1, DP2
Classes A, D1 and D2 are restricted to the animals bred by a pairing presented in Appendix I and whose:
• conformation with the breed standard has been confirmed;
• and whose sire and/or maternal grandsire is in the book p, p0, P, DP
In addition to the parentage verifications provided for in the registration regulations for bovine pedigrees at Elevéo asbl (see Appendix IV), which are used to qualify the official pedigree, for attributing class P to a meaty type Belgian Blue male, the verification of the paternal and maternal parentage is required, as well as the paternal parentage of the dam.
Class DP is attributed at the request of the breeder to the animals:
• that were registered in the book p or dp2 and were presented for an expert breed assessment but were found not to conform to the breed standard
• and whose sire and/or maternal grandsire is in the book p, p0, P, DP
Classes p, p0 and dp2 are attributed at the request of the breeder to animals bred from a pairing presented in Appendix I and:
• which have not yet been submitted to the expert assessment
• the sire and/or maternal grandsire is in the book p, p0, P, DP
C - Use of male or female breeders from a dual-purpose type Belgian Blue selection programme:
The dual-purpose Belgian Blue selection programme refers to the dual-purpose type Belgian Blue selection programme of Elevéo asbl, the Bleue du Nord selection body in France and the dual-purpose type Belgian Blue selection programme of the CRV in Flanders. The other selection programmes are considered to refer to the meaty type Belgian Blue selection programmes (see 11.1.2).
The progeny of a parent from the main section dual-purpose type Belgian Blue, whose breeder wishes to obtain a class of the meaty type Belgian Blue herd book of this selection programme, are directed to class E0, E, E2, p, p0 or dp2, given that the class of this dual-purpose BB parent is an equivalent class of the meaty type Belgian Blue herd book. However, with the exception of the cases defined below, these animals will not be able to claim any other class of the meaty type Belgian Blue herd book. Class E0 or p0 will be attributed to their progeny according to the rules defined in Appendix I - meaty type Belgian Blue herd book.
Only animals bred from a pairing between a) a class A male of the dual-purpose type Belgian Blue selection programme and a class A female of the meaty type Belgian Blue selection programme or b) a class A male of the meaty type Belgian Blue selection programme and a class A female of the dual-purpose type Belgian Blue selection programme, can claim the attribution of the class E and then A, if they fulfil the breed expert assessment of the meaty type Belgian Blue selection programme. In particular, in accordance with the conformation criteria to the breed standard, the criterion of muscle conformation could be an invalidating criterion for these animals, leading to the attribution of class D.
Only animals bred from a) a class A male of the dual-purpose type Belgian Blue selection programme and a class P female of the meaty type Belgian Blue selection programme or b) a class p or P male of the meaty type Belgian Blue selection programme and a class A female of the dual-purpose type Belgian Blue selection programme, can claim the attribution of the class p and then P, if they fulfil the breed expert assessment of the meaty type Belgian Blue selection programme. In particular, in accordance with the criteria for conforming to the breed standard, the muscle conformation criterion could be an invalidating criterion for these animals, leading to the attribution of class DP.
11.1.2. Introduction of animals which have already been registered in another herd book
a) Any animal already registered in the Belgian Blue herd book of another selection body or IS in the case of a third country, and which becomes the property of a member breeder of the selection programme, holder of a zootechnical certificate issued by this other selection body or IS, the original document of which is sent to the beef cattle service of Elevéo asbl, can be registered in the main section class of the herd book of this selection programme, which corresponds to its merits.
b) Any embryo, whose pedigree is registered in the Belgian Blue herd book of another selection body or IS in the case of a third country, and which becomes the property of a member breeder of the selection programme, must be accompanied by a zootechnical certificate issued by this other selection body or IS, the original document of which is sent to the beef cattle department of Elevéo asbl. On the basis of this zootechnical certificate, the pedigree of this embryo can be registered in the main section class of the herd book of this selection programme, which corresponds to their merits.
c) For the insemination bulls registered in the Belgian Blue herd book of another selection body or IS in the case of a third country, whose semen is imported into Wallonia and whose breeder wishes to officially register the pedigree of a progeny of Elevéo asbl, the insemination centre can complete the procedures described in Appendix VII – Registration of a zootechnical certificate of a bull or of its semen used in artificial insemination. If this is not the case, the breeder must transmit the information specified in Appendix VII so that the bull can be registered in the Elevéo asbl database. Based on the information sent by the breeder or insemination centre, the bull can be registered in the main section class of the herd book of this selection programme, which corresponds to its merits.
Whether it is for the cases a), b) or c) above, if the third-party selection programme organises assessments of conformity with the breed standard equivalent to those of this selection programme, then the merit classes of this third-party selection programme can be converted directly on the basis of those existing in this selection programme, and the animal can access the different classes of the main section of this selection programme according to its merits.
If, on the other hand, the third-party selection programme does not organise these expert assessments, then by default, the animal can only claim access to book p or E of this selection programme, depending on whether the animal's ancestors have the hornless gene or not. To gain access to classes P or A, these animals must:
- fulfil the conditions for their ancestors to be considered official in accordance with the regulations for registering bovine pedigrees of Elevéo asbl (see Appendix IV);
- be deemed compliant with the breed standard by an agent of Elevéo asbl for females, accompanied by an official panel of judges for males.
- not have ancestors in their pedigree with a class in this selection programme which would prevent the class A or P being attributed in accordance with the rules defined in Appendix I - meaty type Belgian Blue herd book.
11.1.3. Compliance with the requirements of article 21.1 of regulation 2016/1012
The progeny of animals which conform to the requirements of article 21.1 applicable to the cattle species are entered in the herd book.
Thanks to the selection programme, there is also no restriction to the registration of progeny of Belgian Blue insemination bulls in the herd book, even if they have not been the subjected to a performance verification or genetic evaluation.
For the transfer of embryos, oocytes collected and used to produce embryos in vitro and embryos obtained in vivo and conceived using the semen of Belgian Blue bulls, which have not been subjected to a genetic evaluation, are also accepted, even if these oocytes and embryos were taken from Belgian Blue breeding females (without the restriction that these females have undergone a performance verification or genetic evaluation).
11.2.Additional section(s)
Two types of classes are provided for in the appendix section of the meaty type Belgian Blue herd book, as set out in Appendix I – meaty type Belgian Blue herd book.
No animal of an appendix section, even B1 and C1 can receive a "zootechnical certificate" within the meaning of Regulation 2016/1012.
A- Classes B and C
Classes B and C are the initial classes of the appendix section of the meaty type Belgian Blue herd book.
They are attributed at the request of the breeder to females which correspond to the breed standard. In order to attribute the class B or C to an animal, its pedigree is analysed:
a- If no evidence of the presence of a breed other than the dual-purpose or meaty type Belgian Blue is found in the blood line, then class B is attributed to the animal.
b- If evidence of a breed other than the dual-purpose or meaty type Belgian Blue is found in the pedigree, then class C is attributed to the animal, provided that the pedigree of the animal is officially registered at Elevéo asbl in accordance with the rules set out in Appendix IV - regulation for registering bovine pedigrees at Elevéo asbl, and that the sire of the animal is registered in class A or P of this selection programme.
c- In other cases, no class is attributed and the animal does not enter the book.
The evidence set out in points a- and b- above may come from:
• an ancestor that is officially registered with Elevéo asbl;
• or an ancestor that has been unofficially entered by the breeder at Elevéo asbl and registered in the Elevéo asbl database;
• or an ancestor that has been taken off as a result of a fertilisation recorded at Elevéo asbl.
The analysis of the blood line to find another breed in each explored genealogical branch of the animal stops if it leads to a dual-purpose or meaty type Belgian-Blue main section animal, whether the ancestors of this animal are themselves in the main section or in the appendix section.
B- Classes F, F1 and B1
Class F is a transitional class attributed to an animal whose breeder has requested access to class B.
Class F1 is a transitional class attributed to females whose breeder has requested access to class B1 (see Appendix I) and:
• whose parentage is official in accordance with the registration regulations for bovine pedigrees at Elevéo asbl (see Appendix IV);
• which have not yet been subjected to an expert assessment
Class B1 is awarded to the females of class F1 who have successfully completed the expert assessment of their conformation with the breed standard.
If a class F1 female fails her expert assessment, she cannot claim any class in the appendix section and leaves the book.
As long as the female F or F1 is not assessed, she does not belong to the additional section of the meaty type Belgian-Blue herd book.
C- Classes G, G1, and C1
Class G is a transitional class attributed to an animal whose breeder has requested access to class C.
Class G1 is a transitional class attributed to females whose breeder has requested access to class C1 (see Appendix I) and:
• whose parentage is official in accordance with the registration regulations for bovine pedigrees at Elevéo asbl (see Appendix IV);
• which have not yet been subjected to an expert assessment.
Class C1 is attributed to the females of class G1 who have successfully completed the expert assessment of their conformation with the breed standard.
If a class G1 female fails her expert assessment, she cannot claim any class in the appendix section and leaves the book.
As long as the G or G1 female is not assessed, she does not belong to the additional section of the meaty type Belgian-Blue herd book.
12.Delegation of one or more technical activities of the selection programme to third parties
No application
13.Delegation to certain semen collection or storage centres to issue zootechnical certificates for the semen
Not applicable
14.Zootechnical certificates issued by the selection body for the animals of the selection programme
The zootechnical certificate for animals, a copy of which is in Appendix II, is drawn up pursuant to article 31, paragraph 2, a) of regulation 2016/1012 and article 16, 1° of AGW Élevage for live animals.
With the exception of the information relating to point 13 of the zootechnical certificate template set out in appendix I, section A of the Implementing Regulation 2017/717 which is included on the back of the document, all the information required for a zootechnical certificate by the Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 pertaining to the breeding of animals are on the main side of the certificate.
Compared with the strictly compliant template in appendix I, section A of Execution Regulation 2017/717, the document template used contains additional information for the use of breeders participating in the selection programme (one additional generation on the pedigree, indication of the coat and date of birth of the ancestors).
The Zootechnical Certificate is given to the breeder of the animal after its registration in the main section:
• Within a maximum period of 6 months after a positive result of the expert assessment to confirm conformity with the breed standard.
• On request at any age, whether the animal is assessed or not, within one month.
The result of the analysis of the genetic traits (see 10.3), when available, is displayed on the back of the meaty type Belgian Blue Zootechnical Certificate.
15.Description of the rights and obligations of breeders whose animals participate in the selection programme
The rights and obligations of breeders participating in the selection programme are mentioned in Articles I, II, III and IX 1° of the Internal Rules of Elevéo asbl (Appendix VIII), as well as in the Internal Rules of the meaty type Belgian Blue herd book of Elevéo asbl (Appendix IX).